Nurses are a unique kind. They have this insatiable need to care for others, which is both their greatest strength and fatal flaw.
— Dr. Jean Watson

Therapy for Nurse Burnout

Who is taking care of you?

As a nurse, you know how to care for your patients, but it feels like no one is taking care of you. You've begun to hate the work you once felt called to. The demands and expectations have become too much, and you get little support from the system you’re in. Every day you just want to cry, at work and at home. It feels like a part of you is dying inside. You wonder how much longer you can keep living like this.

The dread and exhaustion are taking their toll on your body. You eat whatever takes the least effort and your sleep is restless and stressful. Your partner tries to connect but it feels like someone else wanting another thing from you and you have nothing left to give. You are burned out. Sure, there are other nursing jobs, but you wonder if it will just be more of the same. Something has to change.

Reclaim your life

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I’m Frances Gumienny, a nurse and therapist practicing online in Metro Atlanta and throughout Georgia. I help nurses who experience burnout while juggling the demands of life and work. I use the mind-body techniques I found successful in my own burnout recovery to help nurses heal and navigate to a more balanced life. I’ll help you develop a different relationship with work so that you can connect with others and not lose yourself. You’ll discover what it is like to have a life with vitality and well-being that is guided by clear thinking and intention rather than being driven just to avoid pain.

Healing from the effects of stress or burn-out does involve effort, but it doesn’t have to be difficult. I use an integrative approach to therapy that weaves compassion and mindfulness, with methods that engage the subconscious and the body’s energy fields to guide you to a deep healing experience. Though everyone is different, with an integrative mind-body approach, clients often experience change with more ease and in a shorter period than talk therapy alone.

Measure your job satisfaction, burnout, and compassion fatigue

Take the Professional Quality of Life Scale (PROQOL) to measure the satisfaction you derive from your work and the negative effects of your workplace demands and exposure to patient’s distress.

Schedule a free consultation

Break free from the survival mode and discover how working with the right therapist can make a difference. Click here to schedule a free 30-minute phone consultation with me. Start the journey today… create a different tomorrow.

Online counseling for nurse compassion fatigue and burnout in Metro Atlanta and throughout Georgia.